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Enter for a chance to win a $10,000 Scholarship to the Marsha Fuerst School of Nursing!

Enter to Win before March 31, 2025

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Train to be a Registered Nurse.


At the Marsha Fuerst School of Nursing, you can get the education and hands-on training you need to become a Registered Nurse. The Marsha Fuerst School of Nursing is dedicated to providing high-quality career-focused training and affordable nurse training programs in modern, well-equipped facilities taught by experienced nursing and healthcare professionals.The Marsha Fuerst School of Nursing is accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) and licensed by the State of Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education ( The Associate of Arts in Nursing (Registered Nursing) program is approved by the Nevada State Board of Nursing (NSBN) (

Financial aid is available to students who qualify. Scholarships cannot be redeemed for cash and can only be applied to tuition. Job placement assistance is available to all graduates. Marsha Fuerst School of Nursing cannot guarantee employment.

Students must enroll in a program at the Marsha Fuerst School of Nursing within six months of winning or being contacted by the station. Students who have previously attended the Marsha Fuerst School of Nursing or are currently enrolled at the College are not eligible to win. The station will attempt to contact the selected winner three times; after three unsuccessful contact attempts, the station will move on to select a new winner.